Generations Of God Church International
....the CHURCH where God answers every PRAYER.
I will like to thank God for this Ministry and the life of the man of God, I came to this country UK 3 years ago, on a visiting visa and to the glory of God, I have my British Passport today. The man of God prophesied that my British passport will come by December 15, 2014; to my greatest shock and surprise, the parcel was delivered on the 16th. Praise be to God.......Sis E
Thanking God for the life of Pastor Dele, a humble and true prophet of God. God has and is still using him for his Glory. Pastor Dele, please keep up the good work, don't be distracted by anything or anybody because your humility will take you further than you imagined. Your ministry will increase and your anointing will not diminish. I thank God for making me a part of GGCI....... Sister B.
Just want to appreciate God for the life of Dele, He is a very good friend and brother. He is my colleague at work. I told him to agree with me concerning some things and he actually told me that God wants to open a new and fresh door for me, as it was spoken so it came to pass. I got a new job, with better salary and a new status. Thanks.........J.
I had some challenges at my work place, the man of God told us to write 3 things we want God to do for us before the end of the year, to the glory of God, I got a fantastic new job with a good pay and peace of mind. Thank you Jesus........Sis. L
I will like to thank God for this ministry and the man of God, Pastor Dele. He is indeed a prophet of God. At the dedication service on Sunday 07/12/2014, the man of God gave a word of knowledge that someone will receive a phone call that will be upsetting but the person should not react..I got a phone call from somebody and it was very upsetting. I thank God that I did not act or react as it was a set-up to destroy my peace. The following day, I got a good news from my lawyers that my stay in UK was granted. Praise to God.......Sis. E.
I have been separated from my husband for 3years after I had our last baby girl, I met the man of God and he prayed with me and decreed that God will surprise me and I should forgive and forget, to the glory of God, my marriage has been restored back, and also my husband and myself got a new house from the council. Thank you Jesus.
Sis. M, Brixton
Someone introduced me to the man of God, Pastor Dele. I am 45years old and I have no husband and children; the man of God prayed with me and prophecied that within 90days, my husband will appear; To the glory of God, I met the man at day 72 of the prophecy! We got married after 6months of courtship. Thanks be to God.
Mrs. C, Streatham
I was given a bad news at doctor's appointment I went for that I have fibroid in my stomach, the man of God gave me some communion wine for 7days, to the glory of God, I went back for scan after 2weeks and all fibroids have vanished.
Sis. G, Croydon
I came for a special prayer at the church, I have been believing God for financial breakthrough, the man of God anointed my hands and prophecied that there will be "divine wealth transfer soon", I got a phone call from my bank that £7,000 was credited due to mis-sold PPI, I didnt fill any form and miracle took place. Halleluya! Halleluya!! Halleluya!!!
Mrs. B, Thornton Heath
To God be the glory, my 7year old son was dismissed from school for always misbehaving. The man of God prayed for him and anointed him. I went back to the school with my son, he was re-admitted and ever since, he has been well behaved and also doing excellently in his school, Praise the Lord.
Sis. N, Croydon
Praise the Lord! I have been having series of attack in my dreams; at the last holy communion service, i felt the power of God in my body; ever since i have not experience the bad dreams anymore.
Bro.T, Camberwell
"I will like to thank God through this ministry, as I have been in UK for 13years with no legal status, the man of God prayed with me and I was given my stay in UK! Praise The Lord ."
-Fred A, Croydon
"I was dismissed from my place of work for the crime I didn't commit, I felt so terrible and was told about this ministry. The man of God prayed for me and told me that God wants to open a new door of greatness for me, to God be the glory, I got a new job and the pay is times three of what I used to earn."
- Gloria from Surrey
" I came for a special prayer meeting, a word of knowledge came from the man of God that there was someone who hasn't been diagnosed yet with cancer, and that the person is healed...Lo and behold, few days later, I found a lump on my left breast!!! After one bout of chemo, it was all clear. Thank God for divine healing.
Mrs. Y. Fernandes, London
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